profession, business, trade


  • profession, business, trade
  • surname Ye
  • line of business
  • industry
  • occupation
  • job
  • employment
  • school studies
  • enterprise
  • property
  • (Buddhism) karma
  • deed
  • to engage in
  • already


建築 jiàn zhù yè building industry
yǐng yè film industry
dài yè to await job assignment (term used only in mainland China)
cóng yè to practice (a trade)
人員 cóng yè rén yuán employee; person employed in a trade or profession
性服務產 xìng fú wù chǎn yè sex service industry
性產 xìng chǎn yè the sex industry
恆生中資企指數 héng shēng zhōng zī qǐ yè zhǐ shù Hang Seng China affiliated index
愛崗敬 ài gǎng jìng yè industrious and hard-working; conscientious and meticulous
應屆畢生 yīng jiè bì yè shēng student graduating in the current year; recent graduate
成家立 chéng jiā lì yè to get married and start a career (idiom); to settle down; to establish oneself
手工 shǒu gōng yè handicraft
tuō yè TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)
批發 pī fā yè wholesale business; bulk trade
批踢踢實坊 pī tī tī shí yè fāng PTT Bulletin Board System (Tw)
shòu yè to teach; to bequeath
採礦 cǎi kuàng yè mining
支柱產 zhī zhù chǎn yè mainstay industry
gǎi yè to change profession or business
gù yè old estate; former empire; former occupation
jìng yè to be dedicated to one's work; to respect one's work
樂群 jìng yè lè qún diligent and sociable (idiom); meticulous in work and dealing cheerfully with one's colleagues
文創產 wén chuàng chǎn yè creative industries (design, music, publishing etc); abbr. for 文化創意產業|文化创意产业
新興產 xīn xīng chǎn yè emerging industry
旅遊 lǚ yóu yè tourism industry