profession, business, trade


  • profession, business, trade
  • surname Ye
  • line of business
  • industry
  • occupation
  • job
  • employment
  • school studies
  • enterprise
  • property
  • (Buddhism) karma
  • deed
  • to engage in
  • already


服務 fú wù yè service industry
朝陽產 zhāo yáng chǎn yè sunrise industry
未來績 wèi lái yè jì future yield (of investment)
běn yè business in which a company has traditionally engaged (e.g. before diversifying); original business; core business; (literary) agriculture
松下電氣工 sōng xià diàn qì gōng yè Matsushita Electronics Industry
lín yè forest industry; forestry
柏林工大學 bó lín gōng yè dà xué Technical University of Berlin, Germany (Technische Universitaet zu Berlin)
核工 hé gōng yè nuclear industry
核工部 hé gōng yè bù Ministry of Nuclear Industry
yáng yè famous Song dynasty family of warriors (c. 10th century AD), resisted the Liao 遼|辽 and defended the Song; the subject of the popular fiction Yang Saga 楊家將|杨家将
主 yè zhǔ owner; proprietor
務 yè wù business; professional work; service; CL:項|项[xiang4]
務員 yè wù yuán salesperson
務模式 yè wù mó shì business model
務過失 yè wù guò shī professional negligence
大 yè dà part-time college (abbr. for 業餘大學|业余大学[ye4 yu2 da4 xue2])
已 yè yǐ already
師 yè shī teacher; one's teacher
態 yè tài (retail industry) format
根 yè gēn the root cause (of evil); bane (Buddhism)
海 yè hǎi sea of evil; endless crime
滿 yè mǎn to have paid one's karmic debts (Buddhism)
界 yè jiè industry
界標準 yè jiè biāo zhǔn industry standard
精於勤 yè jīng yú qín mastery of study lies in diligence (idiom). You can only master a subject by assiduous study.; Excellence in work is only possible with diligence.; Practice makes perfect.