profession, business, trade


  • profession, business, trade
  • surname Ye
  • line of business
  • industry
  • occupation
  • job
  • employment
  • school studies
  • enterprise
  • property
  • (Buddhism) karma
  • deed
  • to engage in
  • already


教育 zhuān yè jiào yù specialized education; technical school
小企 xiǎo qǐ yè small enterprise
小型企 xiǎo xíng qǐ yè small business
jiù yè to get a job; employment
安定費 jiù yè ān dìng fèi Employment Stability Fee (Taiwan), a minimum monthly fee for employing foreign workers
機會 jiù yè jī huì employment opportunity; job opening
率 jiù yè lǜ employment rate
工商 gōng shāng yè business
gōng yè industry
七國集團 gōng yè qī guó jí tuán G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada (now G8, including Russia)
化 gōng yè huà to industrialize; industrialization
化國家 gōng yè huà guó jiā industrialized country
區 gōng yè qū industrial zone
品 gōng yè pǐn manufactured goods
國 gōng yè guó industrialized countries
園區 gōng yè yuán qū industrial park
大學 gōng yè dà xué technical university; engineering college
學校 gōng yè xué xiào technical or industrial school; CL:個|个[ge4],所[suo3]
現代化 gōng yè xiàn dài huà modernization of industry, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations
設計 gōng yè shè jì industrial design
革命 gōng yè gé mìng Industrial Revolution, c. 1750-1830
工農 gōng nóng yè industry and agriculture
廣東科學技術職學院 guǎng dōng kē xué jì shù zhí yè xué yuàn Guangdong Institute of Science and Technology
建功立 jiàn gōng lì yè to achieve or accomplish goals
jiàn yè an old name for Nanjing, called Jiankang 建康 or Jianye during the Eastern Jin (317-420)