profession, business, trade


  • profession, business, trade
  • surname Ye
  • line of business
  • industry
  • occupation
  • job
  • employment
  • school studies
  • enterprise
  • property
  • (Buddhism) karma
  • deed
  • to engage in
  • already


wài yè on-site operations (e.g. surveying)
外資企 wài zī qǐ yè abbr. for 外商獨資企業|外商独资企业[wai4 shang1 du2 zi1 qi3 ye4]
多工作 duō gōng zuò yè multitasking
dà yè great cause; great undertaking
天佑吾人基 tiān yòu wú rén jī yè annuit coeptis
shī yè unemployment; to lose one's job
率 shī yè lǜ unemployment rate
者 shī yè zhě an unemployed person
xué yè studies; schoolwork
有成 xué yè yǒu chéng to be successful in one's studies; academic success
shǒu yè to preserve one's heritage; to defend the accomplishments of previous generations; to carry on the good work; to keep one's business going
安家立 ān jiā lì yè stable household, established profession (idiom); settled and comfortably off
安居樂 ān jū lè yè to live in peace and work happily (idiom)
安徽建築工學院 ān huī jiàn zhù gōng yè xué yuàn Anhui University of Architecture
定點企 dìng diǎn qǐ yè a specialized enterprise
家庭作 jiā tíng zuò yè homework
jiā yè family property
shí yè industry; commercial enterprise
家 shí yè jiā industrialist
zhuān yè specialty; specialized field; main field of study (at university); major; CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4]; professional
人士 zhuān yè rén shì a professional
人才 zhuān yè rén cái expert (in a field)
化 zhuān yè huà specialization
性 zhuān yè xìng professionalism; expertise
戶 zhuān yè hù family firm producing a special product; cottage industry