
clause, condition; string, stripe


條 tiáo
  • strip
  • item
  • article
  • clause (of law or treaty)
  • classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)


xiàn tiáo line (in drawing, calligraphy etc); the lines or contours of a three-dimensional object (hairstyle, clothing, car etc)
老油 lǎo yóu tiáo old fox; slick customer
ròu tiáo cutlet
腳踏兩船 jiǎo tà liǎng tiáo chuán lit. to stand with each foot in a different boat (idiom); fig. to have it both ways; to run after two hares; (especially) to have two lovers at the same time
自然件 zì rán tiáo jiàn natural conditions
ài tiáo moxa stick, moxa roll (TCM)
溫和灸 ài tiáo wēn hé jiǔ gentle stick moxibustion (TCM)
灸 ài tiáo jiǔ stick moxibustion; poling (TCM)
雀啄灸 ài tiáo què zhuó jiǔ "sparrow pecking" moxibustion technique (TCM)
miáo tiao (of a woman) slim; slender; graceful
菜單 cài dān tiáo menu bar (of a computer application)
xiāo tiáo bleak; desolate; (economic) depression or slump
shǔ tiáo french fries; french fried potatoes; chips
téng tiáo rattan
衛生棉 wèi shēng mián tiáo tampon
guī tiáo regulations
xùn tiáo instruction; order; maxim
cí tiáo dictionary entry; lexical item; term
請假 qǐng jià tiáo leave of absence request (from work or school)
chì tiáo tiáo stark naked
lù tiáo travel pass
chē tiáo spoke (of wheel)
軋鋼 zhá gāng tiáo steel rails
fú tiáo (wheel) spoke
辛丑約 xīn chǒu tiáo yuē Boxer Protocol of 1901 signed in Beijing, ending the Eight-power Allied Force intervention after the Boxer uprising