
clause, condition; string, stripe


條 tiáo
  • strip
  • item
  • article
  • clause (of law or treaty)
  • classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)


là tiáo spicy sticks, a snack food similar to beef jerky but made with flour or dried beancurd instead of meat
子 dì tiáo zi to pass a message
里瓦幾亞約 lǐ wǎ jī yà tiáo yuē Treaty of Livadia (1879) between Russia and China, relating to territory in Chinese Turkistan, renegotiated in 1881 (Treaty of St. Petersburg)
jīn tiáo gold bar
qiān tiáo strip of lead
yín tiáo silver bar
jù tiáo a sawblade
gāng tiáo steel bar
liàn tiáo chain; CL:根[gen1],條|条[tiao2]
cháng tiáo strip
集體安全約組織 jí tǐ ān quán tiáo yuē zǔ zhī Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)
xuě tiáo ice lolly; popsicle
shuāng tiáo popsicle
件反射 fēi tiáo jiàn fǎn shè unconditioned reflex (physiology)
tóu tiáo Toutiao, personalized content recommendation app (abbr. for 今日頭條|今日头条[Jin1 ri4 Tou2 tiao2]); lead story (on the news)
新聞 tóu tiáo xīn wén top news story
馬關約 mǎ guān tiáo yuē Treaty of Shimonoseki (1895), concluding the First Sino-Japanese War 甲午戰爭|甲午战争[Jia3 wu3 Zhan4 zheng1]
miàn tiáo noodles
兒 miàn tiáo r erhua variant of 麵條|面条[mian4 tiao2]
chǐ tiáo rack (and pinion)
千斤頂 chǐ tiáo qiān jīn dǐng rack and pinion jack
齒輪 chǐ tiáo chǐ lún rack and pinion
不講件 bù jiǎng tiáo jiàn unconditional; without conditions
yī tiáo a (long) strip; a (narrow) road; a pathway