
clause, condition; string, stripe


條 tiáo
  • strip
  • item
  • article
  • clause (of law or treaty)
  • classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)


沿兒 yán tiáo r tape seam (in dressmaking); tape trim
滾動 gǔn dòng tiáo scrollbar (computing)
炸土豆 zhá tǔ dòu tiáo french fries; (hot) potato chips
炸土豆兒 zhá tǔ dòu tiáo r erhua variant of 炸土豆條|炸土豆条[zha2 tu3 dou4 tiao2]
炸薯 zhá shǔ tiáo french fries
件 wú tiáo jiàn unconditional
件投降 wú tiáo jiàn tóu xiáng unconditional surrender
璦琿約 ài hún tiáo yuē Treaty of Aigun, 1858 unequal treaty forced on Qing China by Tsarist Russia
病假 bìng jià tiáo sick note; medical certificate for sick leave
fā tiáo spring; coil spring (spiral spring used to power clockwork)
bái tiáo IOU; informal document acknowledging a debt
pí tiáo thong; leather strap; pimp; procurer
客 pí tiáo kè pimp
相容件 xiāng róng tiáo jiàn conditions for consistency
碎布 suì bù tiáo shred
cí tiáo magnetic stripe
神經大 shén jīng dà tiáo thick-skinned; insensitive
禁止核武器試驗約 jìn zhǐ hé wǔ qì shì yàn tiáo yuē nuclear test ban treaty
穿一褲子 chuān yī tiáo kù zi (of male friends) to have been through thick and thin together; to be like family; to share the same view of things
競業款 jìng yè tiáo kuǎn non-compete clause (law)
qiān tiáo label; tag
fěn tiáo vermicelli made from mung bean starch etc
約束件 yuē shù tiáo jiàn restrictive condition; constraint
zhǐ tiáo slip of paper
經濟蕭 jīng jì xiāo tiáo economic depression