
clause, condition; string, stripe


條 tiáo
  • strip
  • item
  • article
  • clause (of law or treaty)
  • classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)


播 tiáo bō to drill (i.e. plant seeds in spaced rows)
文 tiáo wén clause; explanatory section in a document
斑竊蠹 tiáo bān qiè dù furniture beetle
暢 tiáo chàng orderly and logical (of writing); luxuriant; flourishing; prosperous
板箱 tiáo bǎn xiāng crate
案 tiáo àn long narrow table
大路通羅馬 tiáo tiáo dà lù tōng luó mǎ all roads lead to Rome; use different means to obtain the same result (idiom)
框框 tiáo tiáo kuàng kuàng fixed framework (idiom); restriction of social conventions and taboos (usually derogatory); regulations and restrictions
款 tiáo kuǎn clause (of contract or law); CL:項|项[xiang4]
理 tiáo lǐ arrangement; order; tidiness
痕 tiáo hén weal (e.g. from whipping); streak
目 tiáo mù clauses and sub-clauses (in formal document); entry (in a dictionary, encyclopedia etc)
碼 tiáo mǎ barcode
約 tiáo yuē treaty; pact; CL:個|个[ge4]
紋 tiáo wén stripe
紋噪鶥 tiáo wén zào méi (bird species of China) striated laughingthrush (Garrulax striatus)
規 tiáo guī rule
貫 tiáo guàn system; sequence; order; procedures
陳 tiáo chén to lay out (an argument) item by item; memorandum to a superior
mián tiáo tampon; sliver (textiles)
函數 yàng tiáo hán shù spline function (math.)
qiàn tiáo IOU; certificate of indebtedness
死路一 sǐ lù yī tiáo (idiom) dead end; road to ruin
máo tiáo wool top, semiprocessed raw wool
yóu tiáo youtiao (deep-fried breadstick); CL:根[gen1]; slick and sly person