
clause, condition; string, stripe


條 tiáo
  • strip
  • item
  • article
  • clause (of law or treaty)
  • classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)


bǎn tiáo lath
箱 bǎn tiáo xiāng crate
zhī tiáo branch; twig; stem
liǔ tiáo willow; willow branches; wicker (material for basketwork)
湖事件 liǔ tiáo hú shì jiàn the Mukden or Manchurian Railway Incident of 18th September 1931 used by the Japanese as a pretext to annex Manchuria; also known as 9-18 incident 九一八事變|九一八事变[Jiu3 Yi1 ba1 Shi4 bian4]
溝事件 liǔ tiáo gōu shì jiàn see 柳條湖事件|柳条湖事件[Liu3 tiao2 Hu2 Shi4 jian4]
邊 liǔ tiáo biān Willow palisade across Liaoning, 17th century barrier
zhà tiáo paling; fence rail
件 tiáo jiàn condition; circumstances; term; factor; requirement; prerequisite; qualification; CL:個|个[ge4]
件反射 tiáo jiàn fǎn shè conditioned reflex
件反應 tiáo jiàn fǎn yìng conditioned response
件句 tiáo jiàn jù conditional clause
件式 tiáo jiàn shì conditional
件概率 tiáo jiàn gài lǜ conditional probability
例 tiáo lì regulations; rules; code of conduct; ordinances; statutes
凳 tiáo dèng bench
分縷析 tiáo fēn lǚ xī to analyze thoroughly, point by point (idiom)
子 tiáo zi short note; slip of paper; stripe; (slang) cop; (old) prostitute
幅 tiáo fú wall scroll (for painting or calligraphy); banner
幅廣告 tiáo fú guǎng gào banner advertisement
幾 tiáo jī long narrow table
形 tiáo xíng a bar; a strip
形圖 tiáo xíng tú bar chart
形燃料 tiáo xíng rán liào fuel rods
形碼 tiáo xíng mǎ barcode