
clause, condition; string, stripe


條 tiáo
  • strip
  • item
  • article
  • clause (of law or treaty)
  • classifier for long thin things (ribbon, river, road, trousers etc)


lǜ tiáo a law
必要件 bì yào tiáo jiàn requirement; necessary condition (math)
斯理 màn tiáo sī lǐ unhurried; calm; composed; leisurely
píng tiáo paper docket confirming a transaction
jiè tiáo commandment; precept
打白 dǎ bái tiáo to write an IOU or promissory note
扯皮 chě pí tiáo see 拉皮條|拉皮条[la1 pi2 tiao2]
拉大 lā dà tiáo to defecate (slang)
拉白布 lā bái bù tiáo to hold up a white banner (i.e. to protest)
拉皮 lā pí tiáo to procure; to act as pimp
拉薩約 lā sà tiáo yuē Treaty of Lhasa (1904) between British empire and Tibet
撇大 piě dà tiáo (slang) to take a dump
piě tiáo (slang) to go to the toilet
shōu tiáo receipt
改訂伊犁約 gǎi dìng yī lí tiáo yuē Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881 in which Russia agreed to hand back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights
jiào tiáo doctrine; dogma; creed; dogmatic
主義 jiào tiáo zhǔ yì dogmatism
zhěng tiáo entire; whole (fish, road etc)
旅大租地約 lǚ dà zū dì tiáo yuē unequal treaty of 1898 whereby the Qing dynasty ceded the lease of Lüshun (Port Arthur) to Russia
旗 xīng tiáo qí Stars and Stripes, the flag of the United States
不紊 yǒu tiáo bù wěn regular and thorough (idiom); methodically arranged
有理 yǒu tiáo yǒu lǐ everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy
有理地 yǒu tiáo yǒu lǐ de methodically; systematically
紋 yǒu tiáo wén striped
英機 dōng tiáo yīng jī Tojo Hideki (1884-1948), Japanese military leader hanged as war criminal in 1948