
root, origin, source; basis

HSK 1 #92


本 běn
  • root
  • stem
  • origin
  • source
  • this
  • the current
  • original
  • inherent
  • originally
  • classifier for books, periodicals, files etc


本 stroke order diagram
本 stroke order animation


kāi běn book format, similar to in-4°, in-8° etc (a 16-kai format 16開|16开[shi2 liu4 kai1] is roughly A4); abbr. to 開|开[kai1]
正經 yī běn zhèng jīng in deadly earnest; deadpan
万利 yī běn wàn lì small capital, huge profit (idiom); to put in a little and get a lot out
萬利 yī běn wàn lì small capital, huge profit (idiom); to put in a little and get a lot out
三句话不离行 sān jù huà bù lí běn háng to talk shop all the time (idiom)
三句話不離行 sān jù huà bù lí běn háng to talk shop all the time (idiom)
上网 shàng wǎng běn netbook
上網 shàng wǎng běn netbook
不惜血 bù xī xuè běn to spare no effort; to devote all one's energies
不变资 bù biàn zī běn constant capital
不變資 bù biàn zī běn constant capital
交粮 jiāo liáng běn to hand in one's ration cards; to die
交糧 jiāo liáng běn to hand in one's ration cards; to die
人之初,性善 rén zhī chū , xìng běn shàn man at birth is fundamentally good in nature; the first two lines of Three Character Classic 三字經|三字经[San1 zi4 Jing1]
人民基权利 rén mín jī běn quán lì fundamental civil rights
人民基權利 rén mín jī běn quán lì fundamental civil rights
代数基定理 dài shù jī běn dìng lǐ fundamental theorem of algebra
代數基定理 dài shù jī běn dìng lǐ fundamental theorem of algebra
代数学基定理 dài shù xué jī běn dìng lǐ fundamental theorem of algebra (every polynomial has a complex root)
代數學基定理 dài shù xué jī běn dìng lǐ fundamental theorem of algebra (every polynomial has a complex root)
以人为 yǐ rén wéi běn people-oriented
以人為 yǐ rén wéi běn people-oriented
人名 yǐ běn rén míng under one's own name; named after oneself
低成 dī chéng běn low cost; inexpensive
bǎo běn to break even