
root, origin, source; basis

HSK 1 #92


本 běn
  • root
  • stem
  • origin
  • source
  • this
  • the current
  • original
  • inherent
  • originally
  • classifier for books, periodicals, files etc


本 stroke order diagram
本 stroke order animation


修订 xiū dìng běn revised edition (of a book)
修訂 xiū dìng běn revised edition (of a book)
chuán běn edition (of a book) currently in circulation
chuán běn edition (of a book) currently in circulation
元元 yuán yuán běn běn variant of 原原本本[yuan2 yuan2 ben3 ben3]
quán běn whole edition; whole performance (of Chinese opera)
kè běn block printed edition
jù běn script for play, opera, movie etc; screenplay; scenario
加工成 jiā gōng chéng běn processing cost
助人为快乐之 zhù rén wéi kuài lè zhī běn pleasure from helping others
助人為快樂之 zhù rén wéi kuài lè zhī běn pleasure from helping others
勤俭为服务之 qín jiǎn wéi fú wù zhī běn hardwork and thriftiness are the foundations of service (idiom)
勤儉為服務之 qín jiǎn wéi fú wù zhī běn hardwork and thriftiness are the foundations of service (idiom)
华 shū běn huá Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German post-Kantian philosopher
華 shū běn huá Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German post-Kantian philosopher
合订 hé dìng běn bound volume; one-volume edition
合訂 hé dìng běn bound volume; one-volume edition
chàng běn opera libretto
商业版 shāng yè bǎn běn commercial version (of software)
商業版 shāng yè bǎn běn commercial version (of software)
shàn běn old book; good book; reliable book; rare book
單行 dān xíng běn single volume edition; offprint
四项基原则 sì xiàng jī běn yuán zé the Four Cardinal Principles enunciated by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] in 1979: to uphold the socialist road, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the leadership of the CCP, and Maoism and Marxism-Leninism
四項基原則 sì xiàng jī běn yuán zé the Four Cardinal Principles enunciated by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] in 1979: to uphold the socialist road, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the leadership of the CCP, and Maoism and Marxism-Leninism
bǎn běn Sakamoto (Japanese surname)