
root, origin, source; basis

HSK 1 #92


本 běn
  • root
  • stem
  • origin
  • source
  • this
  • the current
  • original
  • inherent
  • originally
  • classifier for books, periodicals, files etc


本 stroke order diagram
本 stroke order animation


zhèng běn original (of a document); reserved copy (of a library book)
植物 cǎo běn zhí wù herbaceous plant
点 jī běn diǎn basis point (finance), abbr. to 基點|基点[ji1 dian3]
户口 hù kǒu běn household register; household registration booklet; residence certificate
名 běn míng original name; real name; personal name
土化 běn tǔ huà to localize; localization
字 běn zì original form of a Chinese character
义 běn yì original meaning; literal sense
体论 běn tǐ lùn ontology
稿 gǎo běn manuscript (of a book etc); sketch (of a design etc)
gǔ běn capital stock; investment
论 zī běn lùn Das Kapital (1867) by Karl Marx 卡爾·馬克思|卡尔·马克思[Ka3 er3 · Ma3 ke4 si1]
yìn běn printed book; copy
单行 dān xíng běn single volume edition; offprint
增订 zēng dìng běn revised and enlarged edition
duì běn (a return) equal to the capital; 100 percent profit
平装 píng zhuāng běn paperback (book)
jiào běn textbook
位 běn wèi standard; one's own department or unit
息 běn xī principal and interest (on a loan)
应 běn yīng should have; ought to have
主义 běn běn zhǔ yì book worship; bookishness
乡 běn xiāng home village; one's native place
题 běn tí the subject under discussion; the point at issue
练习 liàn xí běn exercise book; workbook; CL:本[ben3]