
root, origin, source; basis

HSK 1 #92


本 běn
  • root
  • stem
  • origin
  • source
  • this
  • the current
  • original
  • inherent
  • originally
  • classifier for books, periodicals, files etc


本 stroke order diagram
本 stroke order animation


金 běn jīn capital; principal
zhì běn to take radical measures; to get to the root (of a problem etc)
cǎo běn grass; herb
gōng běn Miyamoto (Japanese surname)
利 běn lì principal and interest; capital and profit
péi běn loss; to sustain losses
内特 běn nèi tè Bennett (surname)
报 běn bào this newspaper
běn běn notebook computer (diminutive); laptop
源 běn yuán origin; source
相 běn xiàng original form
无归 xuè běn wú guī to lose everything one invested (idiom); to lose one's shirt
斯 jí běn sī Gibbons (name)
gòu běn to break even; to get one's money's worth
海 rì běn hǎi Sea of Japan
qiáo běn Hashimoto (Japanese surname and place name)
fàn běn model (example worthy of being imitated); template
téng běn Fujimoto (Japanese surname)
yì běn translation (translated version of a text)
dú běn reader; an instructional book
hè běn Hepburn (name)
法 jī běn fǎ basic law (constitutional document)
影印 yǐng yìn běn a photocopy
手抄 shǒu chāo běn manuscript copy of a book (before the printing press)
科生 běn kē shēng undergraduate student