
time, season; era, age, period


  • time, season
  • era, age, period
  • old variant of 時|时[shi2]
  • surname Shi
  • o'clock
  • time
  • when
  • hour
  • season
  • period


時 stroke order diagram


夏令 xià lìng shí daylight saving time
制 xià shí zhì daylight saving time
duō shí long time
大紀元報 dà jì yuán shí bào Epoch Times, US newspaper
tiān shí the time; the right time; weather conditions; destiny; course of time; heaven's natural order
地利人和 tiān shí dì lì rén hé the time is right, geographical and social conditions are favorable (idiom); a good time to go to war
奈良代 nài liáng shí dài Nara period (710-794) in early Japanese history
hǎo shí Hershey's (brand)
zǐ shí 11 pm-1 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)
學分小 xué fēn xiǎo shí credit hour (in an academic credit system); see also 學分制|学分制[xue2 fen1 zhi4]
xué shí class hour; period
學習報 xué xí shí bào Study Times, journal of the Central Party School 中央黨校|中央党校[Zhong1 yang1 Dang3 xiao4]
shǒu shí punctual
安培小 ān péi xiǎo shí ampere-hour (Ah)
安定間 ān dìng shí jiān settling time (control theory)
完成 wán chéng shí perfect tense (grammar)
dìng shí to fix a time; fixed time; timed (of explosive etc)
信管 dìng shí xìn guǎn timed detonator
攝影 dìng shí shè yǐng time-lapse photography
炸彈 dìng shí zhà dàn time bomb
鐘 dìng shí zhōng timer; timing clock; alarm clock
yín shí 3-5 am (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)
fù shí FTSE (British provider of stock exchange indices such as FTSE 100)
shí shí (in) real time; instantaneous
審度勢 shěn duó shí shì to examine and judge the situation