
time, season; era, age, period


  • time, season
  • era, age, period
  • old variant of 時|时[shi2]
  • surname Shi
  • o'clock
  • time
  • when
  • hour
  • season
  • period


時 stroke order diagram


候 nà shí hou at that time
部分工 bù fen gōng shí part-time work
yǒu shí 5-7 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)
酉牌分 yǒu pái shí fēn 5-7 pm
金融報 jīn róng shí bào Financial Times
金融報指數 jīn róng shí bào zhǐ shù Financial Times stock exchange index (FTSE 100 or footsie)
銷售點 xiāo shòu shí diǎn point of sale
銷售點情報系統 xiāo shòu shí diǎn qíng bào xì tǒng point of sale system
cuò shí to stagger (holidays, working hours etc)
閱讀間 yuè dú shí jiān viewing time
信 xiàn shí xìn mail to be delivered by a specified time
suí shí at any time; at all times; at the right time
待命 suí shí dài mìng on call; always available; ready at all times
隨地 suí shí suí dì anytime and anywhere
隨機間 suí jī shí jiān random period of time; random interval
líng shí midnight; zero hour
shà shí in a split second
間 shà shí jiān in a split second
青銅器代 qīng tóng qì shí dài the Bronze Age; also written 青銅時代|青铜时代[Qing1 tong2 Shi2 dai4]
響應間 xiǎng yìng shí jiān response time
順應天 shùn yìng tiān shí going with nature and the seasons (TCM)
針 shùn shí zhēn clockwise
dùn shí immediately; suddenly
風行一 fēng xíng yī shí to be popular for a while; to be all the rage for a time
風靡一 fēng mǐ yī shí fashionable for a while (idiom); all the rage