
time, season; era, age, period


  • time, season
  • era, age, period
  • old variant of 時|时[shi2]
  • surname Shi
  • o'clock
  • time
  • when
  • hour
  • season
  • period


時 stroke order diagram


飛鳥代 fēi niǎo shí dài Asuka Period in Japanese history (538-710 AD)
養兵千日,用兵一 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng bīng yī shí lit. Train an army for a thousand days to use it for an hour. (idiom); fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off
養兵千日,用在一 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng zài yī shí see 養兵千日,用兵一時|养兵千日,用兵一时[yang3 bing1 qian1 ri4 , yong4 bing1 yi1 shi2]
首次注視間 shǒu cì zhù shì shí jiān first fixation duration
鬧鈴鐘 nào líng shí zhōng alarm clock
黃金代 huáng jīn shí dài golden age
黃金段 huáng jīn shí duàn prime time
黎明分 lí míng shí fēn daybreak; at the crack of dawn
黑暗代 hēi àn shí dài Dark Ages
鼎盛期 dǐng shèng shí qī flourishing period; golden age
難別 shí nán bié difficult to part when meeting; challenging to say goodbye
耽誤間 dān wù shí jiān delay time; waste time
nián shí in the year; at the time of the year
數 shí shù duration of time; number of hours
八小 bā xiǎo shí eight hours
為 shí wéi at the time of; during; while being