
indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that

HSK 1 #3


是 shì
  • is
  • are
  • am
  • yes
  • to be
  • variant of 是[shi4]
  • (used in given names)


是 stroke order diagram
是 stroke order animation


話 bù shì huà see 不像話|不像话[bu4 xiang4 hua4]
鱼死就网破 bù shì yú sǐ jiù shì wǎng pò lit. either the fish dies or the net gets torn (idiom); fig. it's a life-and-death struggle; it's either him or me
魚死就網破 bù shì yú sǐ jiù shì wǎng pò lit. either the fish dies or the net gets torn (idiom); fig. it's a life-and-death struggle; it's either him or me
不管白猫黑猫,捉住老鼠就好猫 bù guǎn bái māo hēi māo , zhuō zhù lǎo shǔ jiù shì hǎo māo it doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black; as long as it catches mice it's a good cat (variant of a Sichuanese saying used in a speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] in 1962, usually associated with his economic reforms starting in 1978, in which pragmatism was favored over ideological purity)
不管白貓黑貓,捉住老鼠就好貓 bù guǎn bái māo hēi māo , zhuō zhù lǎo shǔ jiù shì hǎo māo it doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black; as long as it catches mice it's a good cat (variant of a Sichuanese saying used in a speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] in 1962, usually associated with his economic reforms starting in 1978, in which pragmatism was favored over ideological purity)
也就 yě jiù shì that is; i.e.
也就說 yě jiù shì shuō in other words; that is to say; so; thus
事实求 shì shí qiú shì to seek the truth from facts
事實求 shì shí qiú shì to seek the truth from facts
事求 shì qiú shì to seek the truth from facts
五百年前一家 wǔ bǎi nián qián shì yī jiā five hundred years ago we were the same family (idiom) (said of persons with the same surname)
铁饭钢 rén shì tiě fàn shì gāng one can't function properly on an empty stomach (idiom); an empty sack cannot stand upright
鐵飯鋼 rén shì tiě fàn shì gāng one can't function properly on an empty stomach (idiom); an empty sack cannot stand upright
俯拾即 fǔ shí jí shì see 俯拾皆是[fu3 shi2 jie1 shi4]
假假若 jiǎ jià ruò shì if; supposing that...
lì shì see 利事[li4 shi4]
què shì nevertheless; actually; the fact is ...
què shì nevertheless; actually; the fact is ...
心非 kǒu shì xīn fēi duplicity; hypocrisy (idiom)
可不 kě bu shì that's just the way it is; exactly!
唯利圖 wéi lì shì tú to seek nothing but profit (idiom); personal profit before everything; self-seeking
唯命从 wéi mìng shì cóng to follow obediently
唯命從 wéi mìng shì cóng to follow obediently
团结就力量 tuán jié jiù shì lì liang unity is strength (revolutionary slogan and popular song of 1943)
團結就力量 tuán jié jiù shì lì liang unity is strength (revolutionary slogan and popular song of 1943)