
number; several; count; fate


數 shù
  • number
  • figure
  • several
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
數 shǔ
  • to count
  • to count as
  • to regard as
  • to enumerate (sb's shortcomings)
數 shuò
  • frequently
  • repeatedly


屈指可 qū zhǐ kě shǔ can be counted on one's fingers (idiom); very few
巨無霸漢堡包指 jù wú bà hàn bǎo bāo zhǐ shù Big Mac Index, a measure of the purchasing power parity (PPP) between currencies
chā shù difference (the result of subtraction)
布爾代 bù ěr dài shù Boolean algebra
帶分 dài fēn shù mixed fraction; mixed number (i.e. with an integer part and a fraction part, e.g. four and three quarters); see also: improper fraction 假分數|假分数[jia3 fen1 shu4] and proper fraction 真分數|真分数[zhen1 fen1 shu4]
cháng shù a constant (math.)
平均 píng jūn shù mean (statistics)
平方平均 píng fāng píng jūn shù root mean square (RMS); quadratic root
幾何平均 jǐ hé píng jūn shù geometric mean
幾何級 jǐ hé jí shù geometric series
幾何級增長 jǐ hé jí shù zēng zhǎng exponential increase
xù shù ordinal number
dǐ shù radix; base (math.)
dù shu number of degrees; reading (on a meter); strength (alcohol, lenses etc)
xián shù number of strings (of an instrument)
弧長參 hú cháng cān shù parametrization by arc length (of a space curve)
dé shù (math.) numerical answer; solution
循環小 xún huán xiǎo shù recurring decimal
心中有 xīn zhōng yǒu shù to know what's going on
心中無 xīn zhōng wú shù to have no idea; to be unsure
心裡有 xīn lǐ yǒu shù to know the score (idiom); to be well aware of the situation
恆河沙 héng hé shā shù countless as the grains of sand in the Ganges (idiom)
恆生中資企業指 héng shēng zhōng zī qǐ yè zhǐ shù Hang Seng China affiliated index
恒生指 héng shēng zhǐ shù Hang Seng index (of Hong Kong stock market)
xī shǔ to enumerate in detail; to explain clearly