
number; several; count; fate


數 shù
  • number
  • figure
  • several
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
數 shǔ
  • to count
  • to count as
  • to regard as
  • to enumerate (sb's shortcomings)
數 shuò
  • frequently
  • repeatedly


xī shù all; every single one; the entire sum
情緒商 qíng xù shāng shù emotional quotient (EQ); emotional IQ
感染人 gǎn rǎn rén shù number of infected persons
應用學 yìng yòng shù xué applied mathematics
抽象代 chōu xiàng dài shù abstract algebra
zhāo shù move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts); gambit; trick; scheme; movement; same as 著數|着数[zhao1 shu4]
zhǐ shù (numerical, statistical) index; (math.) exponent; index; exponential (function, growth)
zhǐ shù hán shù exponential function
基金 zhǐ shù jī jīn index fund
套利 zhǐ shù tào lì index arbitrage
期權 zhǐ shù qī quán index options
擢髮難 zhuó fà nán shǔ lit. as difficult to count as hair pulled from sb's head (idiom); fig. innumerable (crimes)
收斂級 shōu liǎn jí shù convergent series (math.)
放大倍 fàng dà bèi shù magnifying power; magnification
整倍 zhěng bèi shù integer multiple
zhěng shù whole number; integer (math.); round figure
zhěng shù bèi shù integral multiple
集合 zhěng shù jí hé set of integers (math.)
整除 zhěng chú shù factor; exact divisor
整體位服務網路 zhěng tǐ shù wèi fú wù wǎng lù Integrated Service Digital Network; ISDN
整體服務位網路 zhěng tǐ fú wù shù wèi wǎng lù Integrated Services Digital Network; ISDN
二 shǔ yī shǔ èr reckoned to be first or second best (idiom); one of the very best; to list one by one
不上 shǔ bù shàng not to deserve to be mentioned; not to qualify; below par
不勝 shǔ bù shèng shǔ too many to count (idiom); innumerable
不多 shù bù duō a small number; one of a very few