
number; several; count; fate


數 shù
  • number
  • figure
  • several
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
數 shǔ
  • to count
  • to count as
  • to regard as
  • to enumerate (sb's shortcomings)
數 shuò
  • frequently
  • repeatedly


tào shù song cycle in Chinese opera; (fig.) a series of tricks; polite remarks; number of (things that are counted in 套[tao4], like houses)
ào shù International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO); abbr. for 國際奧林匹克數學競賽|国际奥林匹克数学竞赛[Guo2 ji4 Ao4 lin2 pi3 ke4 Shu4 xue2 Jing4 sai4]
家珍 rú shǔ jiā zhēn lit. as if enumerating one's family valuables (idiom); fig. to be very familiar with a matter
zì shù number of written characters; number of words; word count
字節 zì jié shù byte count
dìng shù constant (math.); quota; fixed number (e.g. of places on a bus); fixed quantity (e.g. load of truck); destiny
jiā shù the distinctive style and techniques handed down from master to apprentice within a particular school
寥寥可 liáo liáo kě shǔ just a very few (idiom); tiny number; just a handful; not many at all; You count them on your fingers.
shí shù real number (math.); actual value
值 shí shù zhí real-valued (math.); taking real numbers as values (of a function)
集 shí shù jí set of real numbers
實變函 shí biàn hán shù function of a real variable (math.)
實變函論 shí biàn hán shù lùn (math.) theory of functions of a real variable
實際參 shí jì cān shù (computing) actual parameter; argument
duì shù logarithm
duì shù hán shù logarithmic function
導函 dǎo hán shù derived function; derivative f' of a function f
dǎo shù derivative (math.)
xiǎo shù small figure; small amount; the part of a number to the right of the decimal point (or radix point); fractional part of a number; number between 0 and 1; decimal fraction
點 xiǎo shù diǎn decimal point
shǎo shù small number; few; minority
民族 shǎo shù mín zú national minority; ethnic group
民族鄉 shǎo shù mín zú xiāng ethnic township (formal village level subdivision of PRC county)
wěi shù remainder (after rounding a number); decimal part (of number after the decimal point); mantissa (i.e. fractional part of common logarithm in math.); small change; balance (of an account)
居民消費價格指 jū mín xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù consumer price index CPI