
number; several; count; fate


數 shù
  • number
  • figure
  • several
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
數 shǔ
  • to count
  • to count as
  • to regard as
  • to enumerate (sb's shortcomings)
數 shuò
  • frequently
  • repeatedly


四元 sì yuán shù quaternion (math.)
huí shù number of times (sth happens); number of chapters in a classical novel; (math.) palindromic number
回調函 huí diào hán shù callback (computing)
yīn shù factor (of an integer); divisor
quān shù number of laps
國際學聯盟 guó jì shù xué lián méng International Mathematical Union
圓函 yuán hán shù the trigonometric functions
基尼係 jī ní xì shù Gini coefficient (a measure of statistical dispersion)
jī shù cardinal number; (math.) radix; base
詞 jī shù cí cardinal numeral
堅尼係 jiān ní xì shù see 基尼係數|基尼系数[Ji1 ni2 xi4 shu4]
堆壘論 duī lěi shù lùn additive number theory (math.)
bào shù number off! (command in military drill); count off!
增量參 zēng liàng cān shù incremental parameter
shòu shu predestined length of life
已盡 shòu shù yǐ jǐn to die (when one's predestined life span is up)
多值函 duō zhí hán shù multivalued function (math.)
duō shù majority; most
決 duō shù jué majority decision
黨 duō shù dǎng majority party
大多 dà duō shù (great) majority
dà shù Tarsus, Mediterranean city in Turkey, the birthplace of St Paul; a large number
大麥克指 dà mài kè zhǐ shù see 巨無霸漢堡包指數|巨无霸汉堡包指数[Ju4 wu2 ba4 han4 bao3 bao1 Zhi3 shu4]
奇函 jī hán shù odd function (math.)
jī shù odd number