
number; several; count; fate


數 shù
  • number
  • figure
  • several
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
數 shǔ
  • to count
  • to count as
  • to regard as
  • to enumerate (sb's shortcomings)
數 shuò
  • frequently
  • repeatedly


勁度係 jìn dù xì shù coefficient of restitution (in Hooke's law)
shí shù more than ten; a dozen or more
bàn shù half the number; half
以上 bàn shù yǐ shàng more than half
yìn shù the amount of books etc printed at one impression; print run
原函 yuán hán shù antiderivative
原子序 yuán zǐ xù shù atomic number
cān shù parameter
反函 fǎn hán shù inverse function (math.)
取樣量 qǔ yàng shù liàng sample size (statistics)
jù shù number of sentences; number of lines (in verse etc)
kě shǔ countable; denumerable
名詞 kě shǔ míng cí countable noun (in grammar of European languages)
集 kě shǔ jí countable set (math.); denumerable set
合成 hé chéng shù composite number (i.e. not prime, has a factorization)
hé shù composite number (i.e. not prime, has a factorization)
吉尼係 jí ní xì shù see 基尼係數|基尼系数[Ji1 ni2 xi4 shu4]
同步位階層 tóng bù shù wèi jiē céng synchronous digital hierarchy; SDH
míng shù (grammar) number plus classifier; household (in census)
向量代 xiàng liàng dài shù vector algebra
周期函 zhōu qī hán shù periodic function
hé shù sum (math.)
shāng shù quotient (math.)
dān shù positive odd number (also written 奇數|奇数); singular (grammar)
dūn shù tonnage