
number; several; count; fate


數 shù
  • number
  • figure
  • several
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
數 shǔ
  • to count
  • to count as
  • to regard as
  • to enumerate (sb's shortcomings)
數 shuò
  • frequently
  • repeatedly


lǐ shù etiquette; (old) gradation of etiquette with social status
積分常 jī fēn cháng shù constant of integration (math.)
筆畫 bǐ huà shù stroke count (number of brushstrokes of a Chinese character)
等差列 děng chā shù liè arithmetic progression
等差級 děng chā jí shù arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...)
等比列 děng bǐ shù liè geometric progression
等比級 děng bǐ jí shù geometric series (such as 1+2+4+8+...)
dá shù numerical answer (to a question in math.); (Tw) (of troops) to shout numbers or phrases in unison (to keep in step or maintain morale)
suàn shù to count numbers; to keep to one's word; to hold (i.e. to remain valid); to count (i.e. to be important)
算術平均 suàn shù píng jūn shù arithmetic mean
算術級 suàn shù jí shù arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...)
fàn shù norm (math.)
yuē shù divisor (of a number); approximate number
純粹學 chún cuì shù xué pure mathematics
jí shù (math.) series
sù shù prime number
紫微斗 zǐ wēi dǒu shù Zi Wei Dou Shu, a form of Chinese fortune-telling
累加總 lěi jiā zǒng shù cumulative total
xì shǔ countdown; breakdown; to list; to enumerate; to run through
組合學 zǔ hé shù xué combinatorial mathematics; combinatorics
絕大多 jué dà duō shù absolute majority; overwhelming majority
絕對大多 jué duì dà duō shù an absolute majority; an overwhelming majority
絕對字 jué duì shù zì absolute (as opposed to relative) number
統計據 tǒng jì shù jù statistical data
綜合服務位網絡 zōng hé fú wù shù wèi wǎng luò Integrated Services Digital Network; ISDN