
number; several; count; fate


數 shù
  • number
  • figure
  • several
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
數 shǔ
  • to count
  • to count as
  • to regard as
  • to enumerate (sb's shortcomings)
數 shuò
  • frequently
  • repeatedly


綜合業務字網 zōng hé yè wù shù zì wǎng Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) (computing)
維基據 wéi jī shù jù Wikistats, (, online tool providing statistics for Wikimedia projects
wéi shù (math.) dimension; dimensionality
線性代 xiàn xìng dài shù linear algebra
zǒng shù total; sum; aggregate
總次 zǒng cì shù total number of times
置信係 zhì xìn xì shù confidence coefficient (math.)
羅馬字 luó mǎ shù zì Roman numerals
股票指 gǔ piào zhǐ shù stock market index; share price index
胸中無 xiōng zhōng wú shù see 心中無數|心中无数[xin1 zhong1 wu2 shu4]
自然 zì rán shù natural number
自然集 zì rán shù jí the set of natural numbers (math.)
莫可指 mò kě zhǐ shǔ countless; innumerable
zhāo shù move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts); gambit; trick; scheme; movement; same as 招數|招数[zhao1 shu4]
蓋革計器 gài gé jì shù qì Geiger counter
xū shù imaginary number
hào shù number in a sequence; ordinal number; serial number
行為據 xíng wéi shù jù behavioral data (marketing)
被除 bèi chú shù dividend
bǔ shù complementary number
fù shù plural; complex number (math.)
域 fù shù yù field of complex numbers (math.), usually denoted by C
平面 fù shù píng miàn complex plane (math.); Argand plane
形式 fù shù xíng shì plural form (of a countable noun)
複變函 fù biàn hán shù function of a complex variable (math.)