
number; several; count; fate


數 shù
  • number
  • figure
  • several
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
數 shǔ
  • to count
  • to count as
  • to regard as
  • to enumerate (sb's shortcomings)
數 shuò
  • frequently
  • repeatedly


qì shu fate; destiny; one's lot
法定人 fǎ dìng rén shù quorum
泛代 fàn dài shù universal algebra
波函 bō hán shù wave function (in quantum mechanics)
bō shù wave number (reciprocal of frequency)
浮點 fú diǎn shù (computing) floating-point number; float; real
消費價格指 xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù consumer price index CPI
分裂 jiǎn shù fēn liè meiosis (in sexual reproduction)
渾身解 hún shēn xiè shù to give it your all; to go at it with all you've got; to throw your whole weight behind it; also pr. [hun2 shen1 jie3 shu4]
còu shù to serve as a stopgap; to make up a shortfall in the number of people
濫竽充 làn yú chōng shù lit. to play the yu 竽 mouth organ to make up numbers (idiom); fig. to make up the numbers with inferior products; to masquerade as having an ability; token member of a group
火山爆發指 huǒ shān bào fā zhǐ shù volcanic explosivity index (VEI)
wú shù countless; numberless; innumerable
無理 wú lǐ shù irrational number
無限小 wú xiàn xiǎo shù infinitesimal; infinite decimal expansion
物價指 wù jià zhǐ shù price index
特殊函 tè shū hán shù special functions (math.)
百分 bǎi fēn shù percentage
jìn shù everything
直接據 zhí jiē shù jù data-direct (in LAN emulation)
相交 xiāng jiāo shù intersection number (math.)
真分 zhēn fēn shù proper fraction (with numerator < denominator, e.g. five sevenths); see also: improper fraction 假分數|假分数[jia3 fen1 shu4] and mixed number 帶分數|带分数[dai4 fen1 shu4]
zhēn shù logarithm
zhòng shù plural; mode (statistics)
piào shù number of votes; poll count