
number; several; count; fate


數 shù
  • number
  • figure
  • several
  • CL:個|个[ge4]
數 shǔ
  • to count
  • to count as
  • to regard as
  • to enumerate (sb's shortcomings)
數 shuò
  • frequently
  • repeatedly


未知 wèi zhī shù unknown quantity
未知兒 wèi zhī shù r erhua variant of 未知數|未知数[wei4 zhi1 shu4]
本底計 běn dǐ jì shù background count
李代 lǐ dài shù Lie algebra (math.)
核電荷 hé diàn hè shù electric charge on nucleus; atomic number
梅森素 méi sēn sù shù Mersenne prime number (math.)
極少 jí shǎo shù extremely few; a small minority
gài shù approximate number; imprecise indication of quantity (e.g. 十幾|十几[shi2 ji3], 兩三百|两三百[liang3 san1 bai3], 一千多[yi1 qian1 duo1])
概率和理統計 gài lǜ hé shù lǐ tǒng jì probability and mathematical statistics
mó shù analog-to-digital; abbr. for 模擬到數字|模拟到数字
轉換器 mó shù zhuǎn huàn qì analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
模糊學 mó hu shù xué fuzzy mathematics
樣條函 yàng tiáo hán shù spline function (math.)
橢圓函 tuǒ yuán hán shù (math.) elliptic function
cì shù number of times; frequency; order number (in a series); power (math.); degree of a polynomial (math.)
正則參 zhèng zé cān shù regular parametrization
正整 zhèng zhěng shù positive integer
zhèng shù positive number
suì shu age (number of years old)
lì shǔ to enumerate; to count (one by one)
歷歷可 lì lì kě shǔ each one distinguishable
死亡人 sǐ wáng rén shù number of people killed; death toll
duàn shù rank; level
母函 mǔ hán shù generating function (math.)
記 mín shù jì Book of Numbers; Fourth Book of Moses