
scatter, spread; praise


  • scatter, spread
  • praise
  • abbr. for 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1]
  • surname Yang
  • to raise
  • to hoist
  • the action of tossing or winnowing
  • scattering (in the wind)
  • to flutter
  • to propagate
  • variant of 揚|扬[yang2]


chǎn yáng to expound; to propagate
隱惡善 yǐn è yáng shàn to praise the virtue of sb or sth while concealing their faults
sòng yáng to eulogize; to praise
頓挫抑 dùn cuò yì yáng cadence; modulation
xiǎn yáng to praise; to commend; to hallow
piāo yáng to wave; to flutter; to fly
fēi yáng to rise; to fly upward
跋扈 fēi yáng bá hù bossy and domineering; throwing one's weight about
騎鶴上州 qí hè shàng yáng zhōu lit. to ride a crane to Yangzhou (idiom); to get an official position
gāo yáng held high; elevated; uplift; soaring
鬥志昂 dòu zhì áng yáng having high fighting spirit