
scatter, spread; praise


  • scatter, spread
  • praise
  • abbr. for 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1]
  • surname Yang
  • to raise
  • to hoist
  • the action of tossing or winnowing
  • scattering (in the wind)
  • to flutter
  • to propagate
  • variant of 揚|扬[yang2]


中市 yáng zhōng shì Yangzhong county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu
召 yáng zhào to flag down (a cab) on the street; to hail (a taxicab)
名 yáng míng to become famous; to become notorious
名四海 yáng míng sì hǎi known throughout the country (idiom); world-famous
子江 yáng zǐ jiāng Changjiang 長江|长江 or Yangtze River; old name for Changjiang, especially lower reaches around Yangzhou 揚州|扬州
子鱷 yáng zǐ è Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis)
州 yáng zhōu Yangzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu
州市 yáng zhōu shì Yangzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu
帆 yáng fān to set sail
帆遠航 yáng fān yuǎn háng to set sail on a voyage to a distant place; (fig.) to undertake a great mission
抑格 yáng yì gé trochaic
清激濁 yáng qīng jī zhuó lit. drain away filth and bring in fresh water (idiom); fig. dispel evil and usher in good; eliminate vice and exalt virtue
琴 yáng qín yangqin; dulcimer (hammered string musical instrument)
眉 yáng méi to raise eyebrows
科維奇 yáng kē wéi qí Jankovic; Yankovic; Yankovich; Jelena Jankovic (1985-), Serbian tennis player
穀 yáng gǔ to winnow
聲器 yáng shēng qì speaker
菜 yáng cài Jiangsu cuisine
言 yáng yán to put about (a story, plan, threat etc); to let it be known (esp. of threat or malicious story); to threaten
起 yáng qǐ to raise one's head; to perk up
長而去 yáng cháng ér qù to swagger off; to walk off (or drive off etc) without a second thought for those left behind
長避短 yáng cháng bì duǎn to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses (idiom); to play to one's strengths
雄 yáng xióng Yang Xiong (53 BC-18 AD), scholar, poet and lexicographer, author of the first Chinese dialect dictionary 方言[Fang1 yan2]
鞭 yáng biān to whip on; to raise a whip; by ext. to swagger
áng yáng elated; high-spirited; uplifting (music)