HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1435th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.3) |
INDEX # | 365 |
sweep, clear away; exterminate
扫 sǎo |
扫 sào |

打扫 dǎ sǎo | to clean; to sweep |
扫描 sǎo miáo | to scan |
扫地 sǎo dì | to sweep the floor; to reach rock bottom; to be at an all-time low |
扫兴 sǎo xìng | to have one's spirits dampened; to feel disappointed |
扫帚 sào zhou | broom |
扫描仪 sǎo miáo yí | scanner (device) |
清扫 qīng sǎo | to tidy up; to mop up; a sweep (against crime) |
扫荡 sǎo dàng | to root out; to wipe out |
横扫 héng sǎo | to sweep away; to sweep across |
扫射 sǎo shè | to rake with machine gunfire; to strafe; to machine-gun down |
扫把 sào bǎ | broom |
扫描器 sǎo miáo qì | scanner |
扫除 sǎo chú | to sweep; to clean with a brush; to sweep away (often fig.) |
一扫而光 yī sǎo ér guāng | to clear off; to make a clean sweep of |
扫尾 sǎo wěi | to complete the last stage of work; to round off |
扫黄 sǎo huáng | campaign against pornography |
扫墓 sǎo mù | to sweep a grave (and pay one's respects to the dead person) |
一扫而空 yī sǎo ér kōng | to sweep clean; to clean out |
扫视 sǎo shì | to run one's eyes over; to sweep one's eyes over |
扫盲 sǎo máng | to wipe out illiteracy |
扫雷 sǎo léi | minesweeper (computer game) |
扫帚星 sào zhou xīng | comet; jinx; bearer of ill luck |
扫雷艇 sǎo léi tǐng | minesweeper |
扫黄打非 sǎo huáng dǎ fēi | to eradicate pornography and illegal publications |
横扫千军 héng sǎo qiān jūn | total annihilation |