strike, hit, beat; fight; attack

HSK 1 #223


打 dǎ
  • to beat
  • to strike
  • to hit
  • to break
  • to type
  • to mix up
  • to build
  • to fight
  • to fetch
  • to make
  • to tie up
  • to issue
  • to shoot
  • to calculate
  • to play (a game)
  • since
  • from
打 dá
  • dozen (loanword)


打 stroke order diagram
打 stroke order animation


假球 dǎ jiǎ qiú game-fixing; to fix games
傘 dǎ sǎn to hold up an umbrella
伤 dǎ shāng to injure; to wound; to damage
傷 dǎ shāng to injure; to wound; to damage
光棍 dǎ guāng gùn to live as bachelor
兑 dǎ duì to arrange (colloquial); to transfer creditor's rights (in a debt case)
兌 dǎ duì to arrange (colloquial); to transfer creditor's rights (in a debt case)
入冷宮 dǎ rù lěng gōng to snub; to consign to the trash heap of history
冷战 dǎ lěng zhan to shiver; to shudder
冷戰 dǎ lěng zhan to shiver; to shudder
動 dǎ dòng to move (to pity); arousing (sympathy); touching
勾 dǎ gōu to check; to tick; (old) to buy
勾勾 dǎ gōu gōu see 拉鉤|拉钩[la1 gou1]
包票 dǎ bāo piào to vouch for; to guarantee
千 dǎ qiān genuflection, a form of salutation in Qing times performed by men, going down on the right knee and reaching down with the right hand
卡 dǎ kǎ (of an employee) to clock on (or off); to punch in (or out)
卦 dǎ guà to tell sb's fortune using divinatory trigrams
印服务器 dǎ yìn fú wù qì print server
印服務器 dǎ yìn fú wù qì print server
印機 dǎ yìn jī printer
印头 dǎ yìn tóu print head
印頭 dǎ yìn tóu print head
口 dǎ kǒu (of CDs, videos etc) surplus (or "cut-out") stock from Western countries, sometimes marked with a notch in the disc or its case, sold cheaply in China (beginning in the 1990s), as well as Eastern Europe etc
吊瓶 dǎ diào píng to put sb on an intravenous drip
吊針 dǎ diào zhēn to put sb on an intravenous drip