strike, hit, beat; fight; attack

HSK 1 #223


打 dǎ
  • to beat
  • to strike
  • to hit
  • to break
  • to type
  • to mix up
  • to build
  • to fight
  • to fetch
  • to make
  • to tie up
  • to issue
  • to shoot
  • to calculate
  • to play (a game)
  • since
  • from
打 dá
  • dozen (loanword)


打 stroke order diagram
打 stroke order animation


yán dǎ to crack down on; to take severe measures against
围城援 wéi chéng dǎ yuán to besiege and strike the relief force (idiom); strategy of surrounding a unit to entice the enemy to reinforce, then striking the new troops
圍城援 wéi chéng dǎ yuán to besiege and strike the relief force (idiom); strategy of surrounding a unit to entice the enemy to reinforce, then striking the new troops
大炮蚊子 dà pào dǎ wén zi cannon fire to hit a mosquito; to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
ān dǎ base hit (baseball)
窄用 kuān dǎ zhǎi yòng to give oneself leeway (idiom); to allow room for error
窄用 kuān dǎ zhǎi yòng to give oneself leeway (idiom); to allow room for error
duì dǎ to spar; to fight; to duke it out
小鬧 xiǎo dǎ xiǎo nào small-scale
小蘇 xiǎo sū dá baking soda; sodium bicarbonate
成招 qū dǎ chéng zhāo to obtain confessions under torture
sī dǎ to fight together; to come to blows
张飞岳飞 zhāng fēi dǎ yuè fēi lit. Zhang Fei fights Yue Fei; fig. an impossible combination; an impossible turn of events (idiom)
張飛岳飛 zhāng fēi dǎ yuè fēi lit. Zhang Fei fights Yue Fei; fig. an impossible combination; an impossible turn of events (idiom)
qiáng dǎ promotion (for a product); advertisement
qiáng dǎ promotion (for a product); advertisement
CALL dǎ c a l l (slang) to cheer sb on; to show one's support; ("call" is pronounced approximately like English "call")
一巴掌,给个甜枣 dǎ yī bā zhang , gěi gè tián zǎo lit. to give sb a slap, then offer a sweet date (idiom); fig. to deal harshly with sb, then offer sth by way of consolation
一巴掌,給個甜棗 dǎ yī bā zhang , gěi gè tián zǎo lit. to give sb a slap, then offer a sweet date (idiom); fig. to deal harshly with sb, then offer sth by way of consolation
不通 dǎ bu tōng cannot get through (on phone)
不过 dǎ bu guò unable to defeat; to be no match for sb
不過 dǎ bu guò unable to defeat; to be no match for sb
来回 dǎ lái huí to make a round trip; a return journey
來回 dǎ lái huí to make a round trip; a return journey
保票 dǎ bǎo piào to vouch for; to guarantee