

HSK 2 #143


手 shǒu
  • hand
  • (formal) to hold
  • person engaged in certain types of work
  • person skilled in certain types of work
  • personal(ly)
  • convenient
  • classifier for skill
  • CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]


手 stroke order diagram
手 stroke order animation


並肩 xié shǒu bìng jiān hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder
同行 xié shǒu tóng xíng to walk hand in hand; to cooperate
同行 xié shǒu tóng xíng to walk hand in hand; to cooperate
shōu shǒu to stop; to pull back
一搏 fàng shǒu yī bó to put one's all into the fight
放开脚 fàng kāi shǒu jiǎo to have free rein (idiom)
放開腳 fàng kāi shǒu jiǎo to have free rein (idiom)
dí shǒu opponent; substantial adversary; worthy match; antagonist; in the enemy's hands
新疆抓饭 xīn jiāng shǒu zhuā fàn Xinjiang lamb rice
新疆抓飯 xīn jiāng shǒu zhuā fàn Xinjiang lamb rice
早动,早收获 zǎo dòng shǒu , zǎo shōu huò The sooner you set to work, the sooner you'll reap the rewards. (idiom)
早動,早收穫 zǎo dòng shǒu , zǎo shōu huò The sooner you set to work, the sooner you'll reap the rewards. (idiom)
míng shǒu dummy (in bridge)
智慧型机 zhì huì xíng shǒu jī smartphone (Tw)
智慧型機 zhì huì xíng shǒu jī smartphone (Tw)
智能机 zhì néng shǒu jī smartphone
智能機 zhì néng shǒu jī smartphone
有一 yǒu yī shǒu to have a skill; to have a lot on the ball; to have an affair
有脚 yǒu shǒu yǒu jiǎo lit. have hands have feet; to be able bodied (idiom); to have the ability to work
有腳 yǒu shǒu yǒu jiǎo lit. have hands have feet; to be able bodied (idiom); to have the ability to work
shù shǒu to have one's hands tied; helpless; unable to do anything about it
就毙 shù shǒu jiù bì hands tied and expecting the worst
就斃 shù shǒu jiù bì hands tied and expecting the worst
待毙 shù shǒu dài bì to wait helplessly for death (idiom); to resign oneself to extinction
待斃 shù shǒu dài bì to wait helplessly for death (idiom); to resign oneself to extinction