

HSK 2 #143


手 shǒu
  • hand
  • (formal) to hold
  • person engaged in certain types of work
  • person skilled in certain types of work
  • personal(ly)
  • convenient
  • classifier for skill
  • CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]


手 stroke order diagram
手 stroke order animation


cuò shǒu to deal with; to manage; to proceed
腕 bāi shǒu wàn arm wrestling
tí shǒu a handle
插不上 chā bu shàng shǒu to be unable to intervene
huī shǒu to wave (one's hand)
援助之 yuán zhù zhī shǒu a helping hand
yuán shǒu assistance; a helping hand; to lend a hand
yáo shǒu to wave the hand (to say goodbye, or in a negative gesture); crank handle
搭把 dā bǎ shǒu to help out
搭把儿 dā bǎ shǒu r erhua variant of 搭把手[da1 ba3 shou3]
搭把兒 dā bǎ shǒu r erhua variant of 搭把手[da1 ba3 shou3]
搭脚架 dā jiǎo shǒu jià to put up scaffolding
搭腳架 dā jiǎo shǒu jià to put up scaffolding
qiǎng shǒu (of goods) popular; in great demand
貨 qiǎng shǒu huò a best-seller; a hot property
人寰 sā shǒu rén huán to leave one's mortal frame (idiom); to die
锏 sā shǒu jiǎn (fig.) trump card
鐧 sā shǒu jiǎn (fig.) trump card
闭眼 sā shǒu bì yǎn to have nothing further to do with a matter (idiom)
閉眼 sā shǒu bì yǎn to have nothing further to do with a matter (idiom)
操刀 cāo dāo shǒu person charged with decisive action; hatchet man
操盘 cāo pán shǒu trader or dealer (of stocks and shares etc)
操盤 cāo pán shǒu trader or dealer (of stocks and shares etc)
bǎi shǒu to wave one's hand; to gesture with one's hand (beckoning, waving good-bye etc); to swing one's arms
xié shǒu hand in hand; to join hands; to collaborate