

HSK 2 #143


手 shǒu
  • hand
  • (formal) to hold
  • person engaged in certain types of work
  • person skilled in certain types of work
  • personal(ly)
  • convenient
  • classifier for skill
  • CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]


手 stroke order diagram
手 stroke order animation


待死 shù shǒu dài sǐ hands tied and expecting the worst
無策 shù shǒu wú cè lit. to have one's hands bound and be unable to do anything about it (idiom); fig. helpless in the face of a crisis
棋逢对 qí féng duì shǒu to be evenly matched; to meet one's match
棋逢對 qí féng duì shǒu to be evenly matched; to meet one's match
棋逢敌 qí féng dí shǒu see 棋逢對手|棋逢对手[qi2 feng2 dui4 shou3]
棋逢敵 qí féng dí shǒu see 棋逢對手|棋逢对手[qi2 feng2 dui4 shou3]
qiāng shǒu gunman; sharpshooter; sb who takes an exam for sb else; sb who produces a piece of work for sb else to pass off as their own
jiǎng shǒu rower; oarsman
jiǎng shǒu rower; oarsman
yuè shǒu instrumental performer
机不离 jī bù lí shǒu to be unable to do without one's cell phone
機不離 jī bù lí shǒu to be unable to do without one's cell phone
shā shǒu killer; murderer; hit man; (sports) formidable player
级应用 shā shǒu jí yìng yòng killer application; killer app
級應用 shā shǒu jí yìng yòng killer application; killer app
鐧 shā shǒu jiǎn (fig.) trump card
划脚 bǐ shǒu huà jiǎo to gesticulate; to make lively gestures (while talking); also written 比手畫腳|比手画脚
劃腳 bǐ shǒu huà jiǎo to gesticulate; to make lively gestures (while talking); also written 比手畫腳|比手画脚
画脚 bǐ shǒu huà jiǎo to gesticulate; to make lively gestures (while talking); also written 比手劃腳|比手划脚
畫腳 bǐ shǒu huà jiǎo to gesticulate; to make lively gestures (while talking); also written 比手劃腳|比手划脚
毛腳 máo shǒu máo jiǎo carelessly and haphazardly; to paw; to grope; to get fresh
民歌 mín gē shǒu folk singer
不干 xǐ shǒu bù gàn to totally stop doing something; to reform one's ways
不幹 xǐ shǒu bù gàn to totally stop doing something; to reform one's ways
乳 xǐ shǒu rǔ liquid hand soap