
thought, idea, opinion; think

HSK 2 #104


意 yì
  • Italy
  • Italian
  • abbr. for 意大利[Yi4 da4 li4]
  • idea
  • meaning
  • thought
  • to think
  • wish
  • desire
  • intention
  • to expect
  • to anticipate


意 stroke order diagram
意 stroke order animation


依撒亞 yī sā yì yà Isaiah
xìn yì at will; arbitrarily; just as one feels like
值得注 zhí de zhù yì notable; noteworthy; merit attention
做生 zuò shēng yì to do business
元语言学识 yuán yǔ yán xué yì shí metalinguistic awareness
元語言學識 yuán yǔ yán xué yì shí metalinguistic awareness
内涵义 nèi hán yì yì (semantics) connotative meaning; connotation
內涵義 nèi hán yì yì (semantics) connotative meaning; connotation
公众见 gōng zhòng yì jiàn public opinion
公眾見 gōng zhòng yì jiàn public opinion
出乎外 chū hū yì wài beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected
出人外 chū rén yì wài turned out other than expected (idiom); unexpected
出人表 chū rén yì biǎo to exceed all expectations; to come as a surprise
出其不,攻其不备 chū qí bù yì , gōng qí bù bèi to catch an enemy off guard with a surprise attack (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3])
出其不,攻其不備 chū qí bù yì , gōng qí bù bèi to catch an enemy off guard with a surprise attack (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3])
求工 kè yì qiú gōng assiduous and painstaking
为之 kè yì wéi zhī to make a conscious effort; to do something deliberately
為之 kè yì wéi zhī to make a conscious effort; to do something deliberately
识 qián yì shí preconscious; preconsciousness
識 qián yì shí preconscious; preconsciousness
chuàng yì creative; creativity
jiā yì paying special care; with particular attention
千里送鹅毛,礼轻人重 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.
千里送鵝毛,禮輕人重 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.
千里送鹅毛,礼轻情重 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it.