
thought, idea, opinion; think

HSK 2 #104


意 yì
  • Italy
  • Italian
  • abbr. for 意大利[Yi4 da4 li4]
  • idea
  • meaning
  • thought
  • to think
  • wish
  • desire
  • intention
  • to expect
  • to anticipate


意 stroke order diagram
意 stroke order animation


不在 bù zài yì to pay no attention to; not to mind
不如人 bù rú rén yì leaving much to be desired; unsatisfactory; undesirable
不怀好 bù huái hǎo yì to harbor evil designs; to harbor malicious intentions
不懷好 bù huái hǎo yì to harbor evil designs; to harbor malicious intentions
不注 bù zhù yì thoughtless; not pay attention to
不满 bù mǎn yì dissatisfied
不滿 bù mǎn yì dissatisfied
不經 bù jīng yì not paying attention; carelessly; by accident
不经间 bù jīng yì jiān without paying attention; without noticing; unconsciously; inadvertently
不經間 bù jīng yì jiān without paying attention; without noticing; unconsciously; inadvertently
不過 bù guò yì to be sorry; to feel apologetic
不随 bù suí yì unconscious; involuntary
不隨 bù suí yì unconscious; involuntary
不随肌 bù suí yì jī involuntary muscle
不隨肌 bù suí yì jī involuntary muscle
中日韩统一表文字 zhōng rì hán tǒng yī biǎo yì wén zì China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs; Unihan
中日韓統一表文字 zhōng rì hán tǒng yī biǎo yì wén zì China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs; Unihan
了无新 liǎo wú xīn yì unoriginal; stereotyped
了無新 liǎo wú xīn yì unoriginal; stereotyped
交通外 jiāo tōng yì wài traffic accident; car crash
令人滿 lìng rén mǎn yì satisfying; satisfactory
使满 shǐ mǎn yì to make content
使滿 shǐ mǎn yì to make content
lái yì one's purpose in coming
依撒亚 yī sā yì yà Isaiah