
thought, idea, opinion; think

HSK 2 #104


意 yì
  • Italy
  • Italian
  • abbr. for 意大利[Yi4 da4 li4]
  • idea
  • meaning
  • thought
  • to think
  • wish
  • desire
  • intention
  • to expect
  • to anticipate


意 stroke order diagram
意 stroke order animation


千里送鵝毛,禮輕情重 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it.
句法识 jù fǎ yì shí syntactic awareness
句法識 jù fǎ yì shí syntactic awareness
只可会,不可言传 zhǐ kě yì huì , bù kě yán chuán can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle
只可會,不可言傳 zhǐ kě yì huì , bù kě yán chuán can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle
可以会,不可言传 kě yǐ yì huì , bù kě yán chuán can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle
可以會,不可言傳 kě yǐ yì huì , bù kě yán chuán can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle
可心如 kě xīn rù yì see 稱心如意|称心如意[chen4 xin1 ru2 yi4]
志论 wéi yì zhì lùn voluntarism; metaphysical view, esp. due to Schopenhauer 叔本華|叔本华[Shu1 ben3 hua2], that the essence of the world is willpower
志論 wéi yì zhì lùn voluntarism; metaphysical view, esp. due to Schopenhauer 叔本華|叔本华[Shu1 ben3 hua2], that the essence of the world is willpower
的谎言 shàn yì de huǎng yán white lie
的謊言 shàn yì de huǎng yán white lie
dān yì unambiguous; having only one meaning
dān yì unambiguous; having only one meaning
回心转 huí xīn zhuǎn yì to change one's mind (idiom)
回心轉 huí xīn zhuǎn yì to change one's mind (idiom)
zhí yì to be determined to; to insist on
思 gòu yì si wonderful; great; delightful; very kind; generous
思 gòu yì si wonderful; great; delightful; very kind; generous
失荊州 dà yi shī jīng zhōu to lose Jingzhou due to carelessness (idiom); to suffer a major setback due to negligence
套 rú yì tào (dialect) condom
算盤 rú yì suàn pán counting one's chickens before they are hatched
郎君 rú yì láng jūn ideal husband; "Mr. Right"
安闲随 ān xián suí yì leisurely and free (idiom); carefree and at ease
安閑隨 ān xián suí yì leisurely and free (idiom); carefree and at ease