


  • island
  • variant of 島|岛[dao3]
  • island
  • CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]


恆春半 héng chūn bàn dǎo Hengchun Peninsula in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], the southernmost point of Taiwan
愛德華 ài dé huá dǎo Prince Edward Island, province of Canada
愛德華王子 ài dé huá wáng zǐ dǎo Prince Edward Island (province of Canada)
懷特 huái tè dǎo Isle of Wight, island off the south coast of England
所羅門群 suǒ luó mén qún dǎo Solomon Islands in southwest Pacific
摩鹿加群 mó lù jiā qún dǎo Maluku Islands, Indonesia
撒丁 sā dīng dǎo Sardinia
斐濟 fěi jì dǎo Fiji
斯普拉特利群 sī pǔ lā tè lì qún dǎo Spratly Islands, disputed between China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam; same as 南沙群島|南沙群岛[Nan1 sha1 Qun2 dao3]
新不列顛 xīn bù liè diān dǎo New Britain, island of northeast Papua New Guinea
xīng dǎo Sing Tao, Hong Kong media group and publisher of Sing Tao Daily 星島日報|星岛日报
日報 xīng dǎo rì bào Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong newspaper
màn dǎo Isle of Man, British Isles (Tw); see also 馬恩島|马恩岛[Ma3 en1 Dao3]
朝鮮半 cháo xiǎn bàn dǎo Korean Peninsula
běn dǎo main island
sōng dǎo Matsushima (name); Matsushima town and national park in Miyagi prefecture, Japan
松巴哇 sōng bā wā dǎo Sumbawa, Indonesian island east of Java
查戈斯群 chá gē sī qún dǎo Chagos Archipelago, coral archipelago in tropical Indian Ocean, with Diego Garcia 迪戈·加西亞島|迪戈·加西亚岛[Di2 ge1 · Jia1 xi1 ya4 Dao3] as largest island
根西 gēn xī dǎo Guernsey (Channel Islands)
格恩西 gé ēn xī dǎo Guernsey (Channel Islands)
格陵蘭 gé líng lán dǎo Greenland
桑托里尼 sāng tuō lǐ ní dǎo Santorini (volcanic island in the Aegean sea)
棉蘭老 mián lán lǎo dǎo Mindanao (island in the Philippines)
棘鼻青龍 jí bí qīng dǎo lóng Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus, a 10 meter long hadrosaur with a single horn on its duck-billed snout
楞迦 léng jiā dǎo Lanka (old term for Sri Lanka, Ceylon)