


  • island
  • variant of 島|岛[dao3]
  • island
  • CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]


嶼 dǎo yǔ island
弧 dǎo hú island arc (geology); forearc
民 dǎo mín islander
蓋部 dǎo gài bù pars perculairs
鶇 dǎo dōng (bird species of China) island thrush (Turdus poliocephalus)
崇明 chóng míng dǎo Chongming Island
嵊泗列 shèng sì liè dǎo Shengsi Islands, making up Shengsi county in Zhoushan 舟山[Zhou1 shan1], Zhejiang
巴厘 bā lí dǎo Bali (island in Indonesia)
巴坦群 bā tǎn qún dǎo Batan Islands in Bashi Channel between Taiwan and the Philippines
巴布延群 bā bù yán qún dǎo Babuyan Archipelago in Luzon Strait north of the Philippines
巴爾幹半 bā ěr gàn bàn dǎo Balkan Peninsula
巴里 bā lǐ dǎo island of Bali
巽他群 xùn tā qún dǎo Sunda Islands (Malay archipelago)
布干維爾 bù gān wéi ěr dǎo Bougainville island, Papua New Guinea
帝汶 dì wèn dǎo Timor island
庫克群 kù kè qún dǎo Cook Islands
庫頁 kù yè dǎo Sakhalin
庫頁柳鶯 kù yè dǎo liǔ yīng (bird species of China) Sakhalin leaf warbler (Phylloscopus borealoides)
guǎng dǎo Hiroshima, Japan
縣 guǎng dǎo xiàn Hiroshima prefecture, Japan
延坪 yán píng dǎo Yeonpyeong island on Yellow Sea coast of Korea
弗洛勒斯 fú luò lēi sī dǎo Flores, Indonesia; also written 弗洛里斯島|弗洛里斯岛[Fu2 luo4 li3 si1 dao3]
弗洛里斯 fú luò lǐ sī dǎo Flores, Indonesia; also written 弗洛勒斯島|弗洛勒斯岛[Fu2 luo4 lei1 si1 dao3]
彭湖 péng hú dǎo Penghu island county of Taiwan, off the coast of Kaohsiung
復活節 fù huó jié dǎo Easter Island