


  • island
  • variant of 島|岛[dao3]
  • island
  • CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]


神社 yán dǎo shén shè Itsukujima shrine in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan
埃利斯 āi lì sī dǎo Ellis Island
埃加迪群 āi jiā dí qún dǎo Aegadian Islands near Sicily, Italy
堪察加半 kān chá jiā bàn dǎo Kamchatka Peninsula, far-eastern Russia
塔斯曼尼亞 tǎ sī màn ní yà dǎo Tasmania
塞舌爾群 sài shé ěr qún dǎo the Seychelles
夏威夷 xià wēi yí dǎo Hawaii island
大加那利 dà jiā nà lì dǎo Gran Canaria (in the Canary Islands)
大安的列斯群 dà ān dì liè sī qún dǎo Greater Antilles, Caribbean archipelago
大烏蘇里 dà wū sū lǐ dǎo Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilongjiang or Amur river, at mouth of the Ussuri River opposite Khabarovsk; same as Heixiazi Island 黑瞎子島|黑瞎子岛[Hei1 xia1 zi5 Dao3]
奧爾德尼 ào ěr dé ní dǎo Alderney (Channel Islands)
奧蘭群 ào lán qún dǎo Åland Islands, Finland
威克 wēi kè dǎo Wake Island (North Pacific Ocean)
gū dǎo isolated island
安提瓜 ān tí guā dǎo Antigua
安達曼 ān dá màn dǎo Andaman islands; variant of 安達曼群島|安达曼群岛[An1 da2 man4 Qun2 dao3]
安達曼群 ān dá màn qún dǎo Andaman Islands
bǎo dǎo Formosa
對馬 duì mǎ dǎo Tsushima Island, between Japan and South Korea
xiǎo dǎo Kojima (Japanese surname and place name); isle
尖閣列 jiān gé liè dǎo Senkaku Islands (Japanese name for the Diaoyu Islands 釣魚島|钓鱼岛[Diao4 yu2 Dao3]), also known as the Pinnacle Islands
尤卡坦半 yóu kǎ tǎn bàn dǎo Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico)
山東半 shān dōng bàn dǎo Shandong Peninsula
國 dǎo guó island nation (sometimes refers specifically to Japan)
國動作片 dǎo guó dòng zuò piàn euphemism for Japanese porn movie