


  • island
  • variant of 島|岛[dao3]
  • island
  • CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]


yīng dǎo Sakurajima, an active volcano in Kagoshima prefecture, Japan
比基尼 bǐ jī ní dǎo Bikini atoll, French nuclear test site in South Pacific
沖繩 chōng shéng dǎo Okinawa Island
沖繩群 chōng shéng qún dǎo the Okinawa archipelago
法羅群 fǎ luó qún dǎo Faroe Islands
波拉波拉 bō lā bō lā dǎo Bora Bora, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia
泰瑟爾 tài sè ěr dǎo Texel island, Netherlands
jīn dǎo Tsushima, a city in Aichi prefecture, Japan
流球群 liú qiú qún dǎo the Ryukyu or Luchu Islands (including Okinawa)
海南 hǎi nán dǎo Hainan Island in South China Sea
海地 hǎi dì dǎo Hispaniola (Caribbean Island divided between Dominican Republic and Haiti)
hǎi dǎo island
市 hǎi dǎo shì Municipality of the Islands (Macau); Concelho das Ilhas
海峽群 hǎi xiá qún dǎo Channel Islands
gǎng dǎo Hong Kong Island; abbr. for 香港島|香港岛[Xiang1 gang3 dao3]
湄洲 méi zhōu dǎo Meizhou Island (Putian)
湯加群 tāng jiā qún dǎo Tonga
míng dǎo an island in the sea
溫哥華 wēn gē huá dǎo Vancouver Island
澎湖列 péng hú liè dǎo Pescadores Islands, Taiwan
澎湖 péng hú dǎo Pescadores Islands, Penghu county, Taiwan
澎湖群 péng hú qún dǎo Penghu or Pescadores, archipelago of 90 islands to west of Taiwan
澤西 zé xī dǎo Jersey (Channel Islands)
濟州 jì zhōu dǎo Jeju Island special autonomous province, South Korea, a World Heritage site
火地群 huǒ dì qún dǎo Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia