
class, category, type; to belong to


屬 shǔ
  • category
  • genus (taxonomy)
  • family members
  • dependents
  • to belong to
  • subordinate to
  • affiliated with
  • be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals)
  • to be
  • to prove to be
  • to constitute
屬 zhǔ
  • to join together
  • to fix one's attention on
  • to concentrate on


安的列斯 hé shǔ ān de liè sī Netherlands Antilles
聖馬丁 hé shǔ shèng mǎ dīng Sint Maarten, island country in the Caribbean
cōng shǔ genus Allium
蕓薹 yún tái shǔ Brassica (cabbage genus)
薹草 tái cǎo shǔ genus Carex
蟈螽 guō zhōng shǔ Gampsocleis genus (grasshoppers and crickets)
衰之以 shuāi zhī yǐ shǔ to treat a debility according to its nature
西撒哈拉 xī shǔ sā hā lā Spanish Sahara (former Spanish colony in Africa)
qīn shǔ kin; kindred; relatives
豆薯 dòu shǔ shǔ yam bean; Pachyrhizus genus
貴金 guì jīn shǔ precious metal
賈第蟲 jiǎ dì chóng shǔ Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite that inhabits the gut
過渡金 guò dù jīn shǔ transition metal (chemistry)
bù shǔ troops under one's command; subordinate; affiliated to a ministry
pèi shǔ troops attached to a unit
重金 zhòng jīn shǔ heavy metal
jīn shǔ metal; CL:種|种[zhong3]
外殼 jīn shǔ wài ké metal cover
板 jīn shǔ bǎn metal plate
棒 jīn shǔ bàng metal rod
疲勞 jīn shǔ pí láo metal fatigue
線 jīn shǔ xiàn metal wire
薄片 jīn shǔ báo piàn foil; Taiwan pr. [jin1 shu3 bo2 pian4]
鍵 jīn shǔ jiàn metallic bond
fù shǔ subsidiary; auxiliary; attached; affiliated; subordinate; subordinating