
class, category, type; to belong to


屬 shǔ
  • category
  • genus (taxonomy)
  • family members
  • dependents
  • to belong to
  • subordinate to
  • affiliated with
  • be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals)
  • to be
  • to prove to be
  • to constitute
屬 zhǔ
  • to join together
  • to fix one's attention on
  • to concentrate on


品 fù shǔ pǐn accessory; affiliated material; adjunct
物 fù shǔ wù attachment; appendage
腺 fù shǔ xiàn subordinate gland
lì shǔ to belong to (a category); to be attached to
非你莫 fēi nǐ mò shǔ it's yours exclusively (idiom); you are the one; only you deserve it; only you can do it
非金 fēi jīn shǔ nonmetal (chemistry)
詞典 lèi shǔ cí diǎn thesaurus
類金 lèi jīn shǔ metalloid (chemistry)
lǔ shǔ see 鹵素|卤素[lu3 su4]
鹼土金 jiǎn tǔ jīn shǔ alkaline earth (i.e. beryllium Be 鈹|铍, magnesium Mg 鎂|镁, calcium Ca 鈣|钙, strontium Sr 鍶|锶, barium Ba 鋇|钡 and radium Ra 鐳|镭)
鹼性金 jiǎn xìng jīn shǔ alkali metal
鹼金 jiǎn jīn shǔ alkali metal
黑色金 hēi sè jīn shǔ ferrous metals (i.e. iron, chromium, manganese and alloys containing them)
yòu shǔ Mustela (genus of weasels etc)