
class, category, type; to belong to


屬 shǔ
  • category
  • genus (taxonomy)
  • family members
  • dependents
  • to belong to
  • subordinate to
  • affiliated with
  • be born in the year of (one of the 12 animals)
  • to be
  • to prove to be
  • to constitute
屬 zhǔ
  • to join together
  • to fix one's attention on
  • to concentrate on


波利尼西亞 fǎ shǔ bō lì ní xī yà French Polynesia
liè shǔ family or dependents of martyr (in PRC, esp. revolutionary martyr)
無所 wú suǒ shǔ unaffiliated; non-party
牽牛 qiān niú shǔ Pharbitis, genus of herbaceous plants including Morning glory 牽牛|牵牛 (Pharbitis nil)
dú shǔ belonging exclusively to; exclusively for; reserved to; special
生肖相 shēng xiào shǔ xiàng birth year as designated by animal symbols (mouse, ox, tiger etc)
男性親 nán xìng qīn shǔ kinsman
zhí shǔ directly subordinate
直系親 zhí xì qīn shǔ next of kin; immediate dependant
juàn shǔ family member; husband and wife
石南 shí nán shǔ heather
石竹 shí zhú shǔ Dianthus genus (carnations and pinks)
稀土金 xī tǔ jīn shǔ rare earth element
chún shǔ to be purely; pure and simple; sheer; outright
紫菜 zǐ cài shǔ Porphyra (genus of edible seaweed)
紫蘇 zǐ sū shǔ genus Perilla (includes basil and mints)
終成眷 zhōng chéng juàn shǔ see 有情人終成眷屬|有情人终成眷属[you3 qing2 ren2 zhong1 cheng2 juan4 shu3]
tǒng shǔ subordination; line of command
維爾京群島 měi shǔ wéi ěr jīng qún dǎo United States Virgin Islands (USVI)
薩摩亞 měi shǔ sà mó yà American Samoa
胡椒 hú jiāo shǔ pepper genus (Piper spp.)
chén shǔ official in feudal court; subject
芸苔 yún tái shǔ genus Brassica (cabbage, rape etc)
哥倫比亞 yīng shǔ gē lún bǐ yà British Columbia, Pacific province of Canada
維爾京群島 yīng shǔ wéi ěr jīng qún dǎo British Virgin Islands