
will, going to, future; general


將 jiāng
  • will
  • shall
  • to use
  • to take
  • to checkmate
  • just a short while ago
  • (introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把[ba3])
將 jiàng
  • general
  • commander-in-chief (military)
  • king (chess piece)
  • to command
  • to lead
將 qiāng
  • to desire
  • to invite
  • to request


hǔ jiàng valiant general
蝦兵蟹 xiā bīng xiè jiàng shrimp soldiers and crab generals (in mythology or popular fiction, the army of the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea); useless troops (idiom)
xíng jiāng ready to start on sth; about to act
告罄 xíng jiāng gào qìng to run short (idiom)
就木 xíng jiāng jiù mù to approach one's coffin (idiom); with one foot in the grave
結束 xíng jiāng jié shù approaching the end; about to conclude
調兵遣 diào bīng qiǎn jiàng to move an army and send a general (idiom); to deploy an army; to send a team on a task
不如激 qǐng jiàng bù rú jī jiàng lit. to dispatch a general is not as effective as to excite a general; fig. inciting people to action is more effective than dispatching orders
謀臣武 móu chén wǔ jiàng strategic experts and powerful generals (idiom)
謀臣猛 móu chén měng jiàng strategic experts and powerful generals (idiom)
bī jiāng to checkmate (in chess)
yùn jiàng driver (of a taxi etc) (loanword from Japanese) (Tw)
過五關斬六 guò wǔ guān zhǎn liù jiàng lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom); fig. to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success)
過關斬 guò guān zhǎn jiàng to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom); abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五关斩六将[guo4 wu3 guan1 zhan3 liu4 jiang4]
軍把門 tiě jiāng jūn bǎ mén lit. General Iron is guarding the door (idiom); fig. the door is padlocked — nobody inside
mén jiàng official gatekeeper; goalkeeper (soccer, hockey etc)
xiáng jiàng surrendered enemy general
軍 fēi jiāng jūn nickname of Han dynasty general Li Guang 李廣|李广[Li3 Guang3]
xiāo jiàng valiant general
má jiàng mahjong; CL:副[fu4]
牌 má jiàng pái mahjong tile
diǎn jiàng to appoint a general (in theater); fig. to appoint sb for a task
tā jiāng he will; he is going to
què jiāng yet, however, but instead; to unexpectedly or counter to expectation do something