
will, going to, future; general


將 jiāng
  • will
  • shall
  • to use
  • to take
  • to checkmate
  • just a short while ago
  • (introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把[ba3])
將 jiàng
  • general
  • commander-in-chief (military)
  • king (chess piece)
  • to command
  • to lead
將 qiāng
  • to desire
  • to invite
  • to request


近 jiāng jìn almost; nearly; close to
錯就錯 jiāng cuò jiù cuò lit. if it's wrong, it's wrong (idiom); to make the best after a mistake; to accept an error and adapt to it; to muddle through
領 jiàng lǐng high-ranking military officer
xiǎo jiàng (in classical literature) young military officer of high rank for his age; (during the Cultural Revolution) young militant in the Red Guard; (in modern usage) rising star (in sport, politics etc)
shào jiàng major general; rear admiral; air vice marshal
gàn jiàng capable person
手下無弱兵 qiáng jiàng shǒu xià wú ruò bīng there are no poor soldiers under a good general (idiom)
bì jiāng inevitably
仇報 ēn jiāng chóu bào to bite the hand that feeds one (idiom)
ài jiàng trusted lieutenant
慷慨輸 kāng kǎi shū jiāng to donate generously (idiom)
huò jiāng will perhaps; may (in the future)
搓麻 cuō má jiàng to play mahjong
dí jiàng the enemy general
楊家 yáng jiā jiàng Yang Saga, a popular fiction from the Northern Song, depicting the heroic Yang family 楊業|杨业 of warriors
wǔ jiàng general; military leader; fierce man
殘兵敗 cán bīng bài jiàng ruined army, defeated general (idiom); scattered remnants
yáng jiàng (Tw) (sports) foreign player; import
zhǔn jiàng brigadier general; commodore
jī jiàng to spur sb into action by making negative remarks
法 jī jiàng fǎ indirect, psychological method of getting sb to do as one wishes (e.g. questioning whether they are up to the task)
牌 wú jiàng pái no trumps (in card games)
měng jiàng fierce general; valiant military leader; fig. brave individual
矮子裡拔軍 ǎi zi li bá jiāng jūn lit. choose a general from among the dwarfs; fig. choose the best person available (out of a mediocre bunch)
lǎo jiàng lit. old general; commander-in-chief 將帥|将帅, the equivalent of king in Chinese chess; fig. old-timer; veteran