
house, home, residence; family

HSK 1 #56


家 jiā
  • see 傢伙|家伙[jia1 huo5]
  • home
  • family
  • (polite) my (sister, uncle etc)
  • classifier for families or businesses
  • refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China
  • noun suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary, corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian
  • CL:個|个[ge4]


家 stroke order diagram
家 stroke order animation


中國國環保局 zhōng guó guó jiā huán bǎo jú PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)
中国国环境保护总局 zhōng guó guó jiā huán jìng bǎo hù zǒng jú PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)
中國國環境保護總局 zhōng guó guó jiā huán jìng bǎo hù zǒng jú PRC State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)
中国国航天局 zhōng guó guó jiā háng tiān jú China National Space Administration (CNSA)
中國國航天局 zhōng guó guó jiā háng tiān jú China National Space Administration (CNSA)
中国左翼作联盟 zhōng guó zuǒ yì zuò jiā lián méng the League of the Left-Wing Writers, an organization of writers formed in China in 1930
中國左翼作聯盟 zhōng guó zuǒ yì zuò jiā lián méng the League of the Left-Wing Writers, an organization of writers formed in China in 1930
主权国 zhǔ quán guó jiā sovereign country
主權國 zhǔ quán guó jiā sovereign country
乾嘉三大 qián jiā sān dà jiā Three great poets of the Qianlong and Jiaqing era (1735-1820), namely: Yuan Mei 袁枚, Jiang Shiquan 蔣士銓|蒋士铨 and Zhao Yi 趙翼|赵翼
事怕行 shì pà háng jiā an expert always produces the best work (idiom)
二奶专 èr nǎi zhuān jiā "mercenary expert", a person who is supposedly an independent expert, but receives payment for making comments favorable to a particular entity
二奶專 èr nǎi zhuān jiā "mercenary expert", a person who is supposedly an independent expert, but receives payment for making comments favorable to a particular entity
渠 wǔ jiā qú Wujyachü shehiri (Wujiaqu city) or Wǔjiāqú subprefecture level city in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture in north Xinjiang
渠市 wǔ jiā qú shì Wujyachü shehiri (Wujiaqu city) or Wǔjiāqú subprefecture level city in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture in north Xinjiang
五峰土族自治县 wǔ fēng tǔ jiā zú zì zhì xiàn Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County in Hubei
五峰土族自治縣 wǔ fēng tǔ jiā zú zì zhì xiàn Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County in Hubei
五百年前是一 wǔ bǎi nián qián shì yī jiā five hundred years ago we were the same family (idiom) (said of persons with the same surname)
人给足 rén jǐ jiā zú lit. each household provided for, enough for the individual (idiom); comfortably off
人給足 rén jǐ jiā zú lit. each household provided for, enough for the individual (idiom); comfortably off
人类学 rén lèi xué jiā anthropologist
人類學 rén lèi xué jiā anthropologist
企業 qǐ yè jiā entrepreneur
岗 wǔ jiā gǎng Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei
崗 wǔ jiā gǎng Wujiagang district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei