
good, excellent, fine; well

HSK 1 #82


好 hǎo
  • good
  • well
  • proper
  • good to
  • easy to
  • very
  • so
  • (suffix indicating completion or readiness)
  • (of two people) close
  • on intimate terms
  • (after a personal pronoun) hello
好 hào
  • to be fond of
  • to have a tendency to
  • to be prone to


好 stroke order diagram
好 stroke order animation


斗 hào dòu to be warlike; to be belligerent
piān hào to prefer; to be partial to sth; preference
汉 hǎo hàn hero; strong and courageous person; CL:條|条[tiao2]
pǐ hào one's passion; one's obsession
人 lǎo hǎo rén one who tries never to offend anybody
先生 hǎo hǎo xiān sheng Mr Goody-goody; yes-man (sb who agrees with anything)
惹 bù hǎo rě not to be trifled with; not to be pushed around; stand no nonsense
xiāng hǎo to be intimate; close friend; paramour
似 hǎo sì to seem; to be like
亲朋友 qīn péng hǎo yǒu friends and family; kith and kin
jiào hǎo to applaud; to cheer
在 hǎo zài luckily; fortunately
恶 hào wù lit. likes and dislikes; preferences; taste
hé hǎo to become reconciled; on good terms with each other
战 hào zhàn warlike
端端 hǎo duān duān perfectly all right; without rhyme or reason
胜 hào shèng eager to win; competitive; aggressive
乐善施 lè shàn hào shī kind and charitable
动 hào dòng active; restless; energetic
容易 hǎo róng yì (idiomatic usage) with great difficulty; to have a hard time (convincing sb, relinquishing sth etc); (literal usage) so easy
kě hǎo good or not?; luckily; fortuitously
强 hào qiáng eager to be first
景不长 hǎo jǐng bù cháng a good thing doesn't last forever (idiom)
走 hǎo zǒu bon voyage; Godspeed
洁身自 jié shēn zì hào clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorality; to shun evil influence; to mind one's own business and keep out of trouble; to keep one's hands clean