
good, excellent, fine; well

HSK 1 #82


好 hǎo
  • good
  • well
  • proper
  • good to
  • easy to
  • very
  • so
  • (suffix indicating completion or readiness)
  • (of two people) close
  • on intimate terms
  • (after a personal pronoun) hello
好 hào
  • to be fond of
  • to have a tendency to
  • to be prone to


好 stroke order diagram
好 stroke order animation


家伙 hǎo jiā huo my God!; oh boy!; man!
球 hǎo qiú (ball sports) good shot!; nice hit!; well played!
说 hǎo shuō easy to deal with; not a problem; (polite answer) you flatter me
话 hǎo huà friendly advice; words spoken on sb's behalf; a good word; kind words; words that sound fine but are not followed up with actions
奇心 hào qí xīn interest in sth; curiosity; inquisitive
坏 hǎo huài good or bad; good and bad; standard; quality
shàng hǎo first-rate; top-notch
wán hǎo intact; in good condition
shì hào hobby; indulgence; habit; addiction
歹 hǎo dǎi good and bad; most unfortunate occurrence; in any case; whatever
xǐ hào to like; fond of; to prefer; to love; one's tastes; preference
游手闲 yóu shǒu hào xián to idle about
使 hǎo shǐ easy to use; to function well; so that; in order to
手 hǎo shǒu expert; professional
玩儿 hǎo wán r erhua variant of 好玩[hao3 wan2]
无损 wán hǎo wú sǔn in good condition; undamaged; intact
xíng hǎo to be charitable; to do a good deed
不 hǎo bù not at all ...; how very ...
过 hǎo guò to have an easy time; (feel) well
gǎo hǎo to do well at; to do a good job
yào hǎo to be on good terms; to be close friends; striving for self-improvement
评 hǎo píng favorable criticism; positive evaluation
ān hǎo safe and sound; well
色 hào sè to want sex; given to lust; lecherous; lascivious; horny
意思 hǎo yì si to have the nerve; what a cheek!; to feel no shame; to overcome the shame; (is it) proper? (rhetorical question)